Monday, 18 November 2013

Review by Rock-Regeneration.Co.Uk


Hailing from Andover come KURBd with their 3 track that is brimming with raw energy, and an edgy feel.

Opening with “Beware The Silence” there are some obvious comparisons to be made, but there is more to this track than just a revival of the Seattle sound of the mid 80’s 90’s. With its raw, and honest sound, the vocals peak above giving the track a lighter feel than you would expect. But it hits you hard, the distorted guitar, the drums, and the disillusioned sounding vocals hit you.

“Wreck” take you on a rather different journey, with its, comparatively, more delicate opening. The vocals balance on the guitars and drums, and it is this almost precarious balance that give the track a darker feel, as it moves in and out a gentle journey, and that of a raw hit as the chorus kicks in.

“Kerosene” sees the band unleash their energy, or possibly the drummer, as the tempo and energy from the previous two tracks is mixed up and released. This is the track to turn the dance floor into a mess of arms and legs, 3 minutes of non-stop energy!

The whole EP gives the impression that they have an unrelenting stage show with power that keeps the crowd transfixed. It is raw, and a little unpolished, but this is part of the sound. These guys have got the passion to fuel it further.

Beware The Silence


Words by Jon “phew avoided the N word”.

Hijacking SONDURA's interview with

This is my bar the best thing we've seen on us accidentally....

The amount of times a week I hash tag ‘Beiber is a c**t’ is unbelievable.” – Guitarist from KurBd. Metal bands really don’t like Beiber apparently. Who knew!?

 The venue for the evening was Southampton’s much-loved Joiners. The venue played host to KurBd, These Days Arcane, Motherlode, and the main act, Sondura.

KurBd, after a few tech problems, kicked of the evening with fun, great music and a good reaction from the audience.

After one track was introduced, the Guitarist (wearing a ‘How To Draw A Zebra’ t-shirt which looked like he’d designed himself with a plain top and a sharpie) exclaimed “I really f***ing hate this song. Just because you write it doesn’t make it right.

Look at the Backstreet Boys. And Beiber. I f***ing hate Beiber. The amount of times a week I hash tag ‘Beiber is a c**t’ is unbelievable.”

We soooo need and interview with these guys!!

"The Cause...The Defect" @ #7 in the Reverb Nation Alternative Chart

Jesus Fuckin' "H" Christ..

Thank You Thank You to everyone and anyone that has made this possible, not bad for 3 dads from Andover Hampshire.

"TC...TD" has had an awesome run since it was recorded and mastered earlier in the year and has really shown that you don't need to spend big money and have a named producer. All you need is a few hundred quid, a room with a few mic's and someone pushing the buttons who believes in what they are involved with.

We hope to get back in the studio early in 2014 for the second E.P instalment, cash permitting, and in time self-release a mini album or on a small label. Personally I would love a Vinyl release but I think that's the relic inside me.

Stay involved for more info on Facebookand Twitter @kurbdmusic