Sunday, 28 July 2013

Gig #5, #6 & #7 Confirmed. Next Show..Psychedelic Sunrise #5

#5We are super stoked to be invited to join our old friends ECHOTAPE at the fifth Psychedelic Sunrise Nite

They Seem to have a thing for Cats too.....

31st August @ The George Venue, Andover. Doors Open @ 7.30PM / £2.00 Entry. Drinks Promos & MadiSION DJ Set as an aftershow Bash..

#6 Back to a favourite old haunt, On 6th September we return to The Railway, Winchester. We are first on so get there early if you want to see us. Follow Jim and the team on Twitter @railwaylive

#7 Its that Time of the year when our thoughts turn to an old friend who has past. This September will be the 7th Crispystock, an annual memorial music festival forged in the memory of Christopher Vearncombe who was tragically killed while travelling in South Africa in 2006.

Every year his friends and family come together to create a festival of music that raises money for the charity, that if he had survived, would have taken care of him for the rest of his life. Headway is a brain injury charity. Visit for more information. Details of how to donate online coming soon.

** TO ABSENT FRIENDS........**

**UPDATES** July 2013


Its been a busy few weeks since our last Blog. We have been sending the EP out to be reviewed and contacting some small to medium Indie Labels, just because we dodnt need what the big guns have to offer.

We don't need an advance or a van or PR - we have all that! We don't really even Need a label its just that we would prefer to have 'The Cause...The Defect' released by a third party.

Self release is an option, its easy enough now a days to get an iTunes licence and do it ourselves. We have enough Summer shows coming up to pre-sell the release date.. we will have to see what happens.

".....Its Plane To See, What's In Front Of Me. Inside Me Is An Enemy!"

Thursday, 11 July 2013

The Search: Reviews, Re-Post's, Labels & The Other Stuff.

It's Done........'The Cause...The Defect' is Mastered!!

Thanks to the amazing Dan Parkinson The E.P is now finished and we have begun the old dance that is trying to get reviews and a possible label to release it.
In reality, we know labels that would release it or we can do a self release, but what we are looking for is a label that will love it.. nurture it... not just churn it out on iTunes and that's that.. or worse... sit on it for 8 years then release it!

So far, we have a handful of indi labels that have shown interest, one especially takes our fancy as they have a penchant for Vinyl.
As an old dog who have been on the circuit for a fair few years in previous projects, been bitten by a few labels and a few slick managers... We wont be making any of the usual mistakes.
Percentages... only mean a fucking thing when your talking huge numbers.. not enough at the less than a 1000 copies mark so the best thing to look for is a label that want you as a band not as a quick bit of cash overnight! What separate's us from some of the other bands out there is that we have already done the shit stuff.. We've toured the circuits and paid our due's twice over so we don't need the shit deal just to get a contract!!

"And I will leave the stitches in, reminds me everywhere I've been".....

For now we are working on the live set and the Low-Fi version, and with no shows in the next few weeks we can really get on with using the new drop C# tuning.. its differently awesome!.

SO far the 6 song set is:

Beware The Silence




Stories (Always)

Stitches & Burns < Working Title Only >