Monday, 16 December 2013

Thank You All - An End To 2013.

We would like to say a massive thank you to all the promoters, venues, reviewers, blogs & bands that have helped to make the last 12 months so freaking awesome. We have played some great shows with some amazing bands, far to many to mention, and hopefully made some new friends along the way. Its been a strange year. We lost our local venue, The George Venue in Andover, after 15 years of being a loyal local due to the nature of the town and the way in which people do, or more upsettingly don't, support live music. Likes most things you miss them when their gone.! We also recorded an EP, @The Cause...The Defect', at the beginning of 2013 as the first instalment of our work towards a mini-album of some sorts and were overwhelmed with the reviews we have received and tweets. Thank you all for taking the time to listen to our songs - means the world to us... SOOOOO WHHHAAATTTTS NEEEEEXXXXT........... 2014 already has a live low-fi radio session scheduled in and a show booked in a new town for team KURBd over in Reading. Will let you know how these go as and when at @kurbdmusic and my unregular posts as always. Please keep supporting us on everything we do on here, twitter, youtube and facebook. Thanks again..Much Love. Richie, Lee & Dave

Monday, 18 November 2013

Review by Rock-Regeneration.Co.Uk


Hailing from Andover come KURBd with their 3 track that is brimming with raw energy, and an edgy feel.

Opening with “Beware The Silence” there are some obvious comparisons to be made, but there is more to this track than just a revival of the Seattle sound of the mid 80’s 90’s. With its raw, and honest sound, the vocals peak above giving the track a lighter feel than you would expect. But it hits you hard, the distorted guitar, the drums, and the disillusioned sounding vocals hit you.

“Wreck” take you on a rather different journey, with its, comparatively, more delicate opening. The vocals balance on the guitars and drums, and it is this almost precarious balance that give the track a darker feel, as it moves in and out a gentle journey, and that of a raw hit as the chorus kicks in.

“Kerosene” sees the band unleash their energy, or possibly the drummer, as the tempo and energy from the previous two tracks is mixed up and released. This is the track to turn the dance floor into a mess of arms and legs, 3 minutes of non-stop energy!

The whole EP gives the impression that they have an unrelenting stage show with power that keeps the crowd transfixed. It is raw, and a little unpolished, but this is part of the sound. These guys have got the passion to fuel it further.

Beware The Silence


Words by Jon “phew avoided the N word”.

Hijacking SONDURA's interview with

This is my bar the best thing we've seen on us accidentally....

The amount of times a week I hash tag ‘Beiber is a c**t’ is unbelievable.” – Guitarist from KurBd. Metal bands really don’t like Beiber apparently. Who knew!?

 The venue for the evening was Southampton’s much-loved Joiners. The venue played host to KurBd, These Days Arcane, Motherlode, and the main act, Sondura.

KurBd, after a few tech problems, kicked of the evening with fun, great music and a good reaction from the audience.

After one track was introduced, the Guitarist (wearing a ‘How To Draw A Zebra’ t-shirt which looked like he’d designed himself with a plain top and a sharpie) exclaimed “I really f***ing hate this song. Just because you write it doesn’t make it right.

Look at the Backstreet Boys. And Beiber. I f***ing hate Beiber. The amount of times a week I hash tag ‘Beiber is a c**t’ is unbelievable.”

We soooo need and interview with these guys!!

"The Cause...The Defect" @ #7 in the Reverb Nation Alternative Chart

Jesus Fuckin' "H" Christ..

Thank You Thank You to everyone and anyone that has made this possible, not bad for 3 dads from Andover Hampshire.

"TC...TD" has had an awesome run since it was recorded and mastered earlier in the year and has really shown that you don't need to spend big money and have a named producer. All you need is a few hundred quid, a room with a few mic's and someone pushing the buttons who believes in what they are involved with.

We hope to get back in the studio early in 2014 for the second E.P instalment, cash permitting, and in time self-release a mini album or on a small label. Personally I would love a Vinyl release but I think that's the relic inside me.

Stay involved for more info on Facebookand Twitter @kurbdmusic

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Gig #8) The Joiners, Southampton was Super-Fuckin'-Awesome

It was amazing to be back at The Joiners after so long, and especially because it was our first time there and to add to it supporting our friends SONDURA (@sonduraofficial).

This is the sort of venue that must always survive. It is the reason that bands should want to play the circuit and get within a foot of the crowd and drink with them afterwards. All these bands that think its cool to sit in a backstage area away from the people that make their shows what they are are infact fuckin morons.

These people are your show.. The least you can do is have a drink with them and watch the other bands that are on the bill. Too many bands cant be bothered to even checkout the other bands on the bill. Sickening because they are missing out on new music that could be part of your history.

Once again, the only band to bring just 1 guitar each and the uber-good Orange Tiny Terrors did us well sat with the big Meza's and Marshalls. 15watts of crunch right their.

Hopefully we will get to go back, maybe a little higher up the bill next time :)

Review by The Sound Of Confusion

Sunday, 27 October 2013

KURBd - The Cause.... The Defect EP

EP review by

There are some sounds that just worm into your DNA. It can come from your Nan sending you off to sleep with a nursery rhyme or a sound that sound-tracked your musical puberty.
When the guitar stutters, then sets it's phaser to crunching, pulverizing stun with pear drop sweet harmonies in the first few seconds of 'Beware The Silence', the lead-track of the debut EP 'The Cause... The Defect' from KURBd, I am that fledgling long hair, being beautifully brutalised by Alice In Chains at Rock City.
That's not to say that this track is some grunge rehash, rather it takes the touchstones of Alice, Sugar and yes the "N" shaped shadow that all bands since have had to bear, and crushes your head with an incendiary, iridescent blast of groove, grunge and bloody great rock that is utterly here and now. The harmonies and power are as measured and precise as a guided missile to your cortex.

'Wreck' has a darker, menacing hue to it. It pulls you in slowly, then overpowers you with a monolith-sized chorus, then slowly lets you reach out before fully immersing you in its wonderfully warm, delicious, irresistible, carny-esque whirlpool of pleasure. 'Wreck' is a song that Scott Weiland would go sober for. Then to the piledriver of cacophonous, splenetic, beautifully tempered fury that is the EP's final delight, 'Kerosene'.
This is a blast of malevolent marvel that will whip your head back and forth while taking over your limbs to flail around, and wake days later with the bruises of size 9s on your spine as the whole crowd is transformed into a singular stage-diving, crowd-surfing beast. C'mon then KURBd, we want more. Please. (If I didn't say please my Nan would sing to me again!).

Monday, 21 October 2013

Gig #8) 27th October 2013 @ The Joiners SOUTHAMPTON w/ SONDURA

Its all confirmed. We are hitting up the infamous Joiners in Southampton supporting Sondura & These Days Arcane, the first time we've been there in this band and a long time since the last time any of us played there.

Admittedly, we're not exactly like the other bands on the bill but then again we never get on the sort of bills you'd think we would but that's OK - we like being the square peg in a round hole.

Hugely looking forward to playing again as we haven't had a gig since mid-September and that was the low0fi set at the Crispystock Festival and really looking forward to getting on that stage again. I used to go there a lot as a young drummer, that was at the time when bands like Coldplay and the other 90's / 00's esque bands were hitting it up.

Its one of the proper old touring circuits, the sort of place a lot of bands don't seem to feel the need the play. They want to go straight to the big arenas of the 'Astoria" type places. They should be made to play the awesome small venues so they get to really love the big shows!

Saying that, we've played a lot of bigger venues and nothing is a cool as having the crowd right in front of you. More bands should support these venues !


Thursday, 17 October 2013

October 2013 - So Far, So Good....

Well....its been a while since we've posted anything on here, its been a hectic few months with the Crispystock Festival in Andover being the musical highpoint. It was our first attempt at a Low-Fi set with everything broken down and it was amazing, hoping to get a few of the vids people took up onto YOUTUBE soon so be sure to search for KURBd every now and then. The EP, "The Cause...The Defect is still online to be reviewed and abused @ and we are still hoping to get a digital release before the year is out with the possibility of a second EP being recorded in Jan 2014 in what we hope will be a collection of EP's basically making up a 12 track album one day.. its all a work in progress. Show wise, we haven't a lot in the pipeline that is confirmed. Looks like our next gig will be at the infamous Joiners in Southampton on Sunday 27th October '13 supporting SONDURA (@sonduraofficial) and a great new band called 'These Days Arcane'. Its the first time I (Richie) have been back there on stage for about 8 years. I remember in the late 90's / early 00's when if you were anything coming up thru the circuit ranks you would have The Joiners on your tour listings - then again that was when music fans went for the music not because its was cool or fashionable to be seen there. how things change..... Keep up with us daily at @kurbdmusic and we will try to update our blog more and more as things heat up. See ya soooooon :)

Saturday, 10 August 2013

REVIEW - Live-Music-Scene.Co.Uk

Courtesy of Josh @ LMS.


‘The Cause…The Defect’ is the début EP from Andover based grunge rockers KURBd.
Whilst the record may only be three tracks long the trio (Richie, Lee and Dave) have certainly attempted to pack as much of themselves and their music as they can into their first offering.
It's hard to pin point exactly where the threesome take their influences from, and that may be due in no small part to the fact that they're the only band that comes to mind where all of the members contribute equally to the vocals, giving them a unique sound right from the off.

Opener ‘Beware The Silence’ kicks things off; a song that's a little slow and repetitive without being boring and annoying along with it.
It also highlights straight away why the guys may have opted not to have just the one lead singer as you can quite easily pick out each band members' contribution to the vocals, all different yet all lending something to the overall sound.

The following track ‘Wreck’ starts in much the same vein as the previous track ended until the guitar (Richie) and drums (Dave) really kick in and the band begin to really show what they're made of.
They do this even more so with closer ‘Kerosene’. It is easily the stand out track of the EP with all three sets of vocals blending together really well and the whole feel and sound of the song just sounding a lot more impressive than the previous two.

Despite the reasonably high level of professionalism this EP gives off for a début, the Hampshire based trio did in fact record the entire thing live in the same room, for the princely sum of just £180!
If they can pull of a sound like this on a budget like that, then with the right kind of backing and facilities surely the only is up for KURBd.

Friday, 9 August 2013

At Last.. A Little About Us - ** BIOGRAPHY **


Alternative 3 piece from Andover, Hampshire. Formed early 2012 by 3 disgruntled Dads in their 30's writing & playing music that they like.

Lee Davey - Bass & Vocals.

Dave Allon - Drums & Vocals

Richie Towerton - Guitar & Vocals

Recording History.
A 3 track E.P titled "The Cause...The Defect" with "Beware The Silence", "Wreck" & "Kerosene".

Recorded at Oakcutts studio in Hampshire by Andi Karthauser over 2 days in a LIVE room with vocals for the staggering sum of £180 and mastered by Dan Parkinson.

First Show.
Crispystock Festival 2012 @ The George Venue, Andover.

Contact / Media.

Facebook Search : KURBd

YouTube Search: KURBd

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Gig #5, #6 & #7 Confirmed. Next Show..Psychedelic Sunrise #5

#5We are super stoked to be invited to join our old friends ECHOTAPE at the fifth Psychedelic Sunrise Nite

They Seem to have a thing for Cats too.....

31st August @ The George Venue, Andover. Doors Open @ 7.30PM / £2.00 Entry. Drinks Promos & MadiSION DJ Set as an aftershow Bash..

#6 Back to a favourite old haunt, On 6th September we return to The Railway, Winchester. We are first on so get there early if you want to see us. Follow Jim and the team on Twitter @railwaylive

#7 Its that Time of the year when our thoughts turn to an old friend who has past. This September will be the 7th Crispystock, an annual memorial music festival forged in the memory of Christopher Vearncombe who was tragically killed while travelling in South Africa in 2006.

Every year his friends and family come together to create a festival of music that raises money for the charity, that if he had survived, would have taken care of him for the rest of his life. Headway is a brain injury charity. Visit for more information. Details of how to donate online coming soon.

** TO ABSENT FRIENDS........**

**UPDATES** July 2013


Its been a busy few weeks since our last Blog. We have been sending the EP out to be reviewed and contacting some small to medium Indie Labels, just because we dodnt need what the big guns have to offer.

We don't need an advance or a van or PR - we have all that! We don't really even Need a label its just that we would prefer to have 'The Cause...The Defect' released by a third party.

Self release is an option, its easy enough now a days to get an iTunes licence and do it ourselves. We have enough Summer shows coming up to pre-sell the release date.. we will have to see what happens.

".....Its Plane To See, What's In Front Of Me. Inside Me Is An Enemy!"

Thursday, 11 July 2013

The Search: Reviews, Re-Post's, Labels & The Other Stuff.

It's Done........'The Cause...The Defect' is Mastered!!

Thanks to the amazing Dan Parkinson The E.P is now finished and we have begun the old dance that is trying to get reviews and a possible label to release it.
In reality, we know labels that would release it or we can do a self release, but what we are looking for is a label that will love it.. nurture it... not just churn it out on iTunes and that's that.. or worse... sit on it for 8 years then release it!

So far, we have a handful of indi labels that have shown interest, one especially takes our fancy as they have a penchant for Vinyl.
As an old dog who have been on the circuit for a fair few years in previous projects, been bitten by a few labels and a few slick managers... We wont be making any of the usual mistakes.
Percentages... only mean a fucking thing when your talking huge numbers.. not enough at the less than a 1000 copies mark so the best thing to look for is a label that want you as a band not as a quick bit of cash overnight! What separate's us from some of the other bands out there is that we have already done the shit stuff.. We've toured the circuits and paid our due's twice over so we don't need the shit deal just to get a contract!!

"And I will leave the stitches in, reminds me everywhere I've been".....

For now we are working on the live set and the Low-Fi version, and with no shows in the next few weeks we can really get on with using the new drop C# tuning.. its differently awesome!.

SO far the 6 song set is:

Beware The Silence




Stories (Always)

Stitches & Burns < Working Title Only >

Monday, 17 June 2013

No Cause.... No Defect.

Sadly, we have had to pull out of our next scheduled show at The Railway, Winchester at the end of the month supporting the awesome Firestate due to other commitments but this just gives us more time to work on the 2 new tracks and tighten up the rest of the set.

This would be easier if we were not constantly being let down by the same people each week..

Its a sad time when you cant even rely in those who you've know for absolutely years, especially when they promise you something and then each and every time they let you down.. Makes you think " WHATS THE POINT!!"

We have also set a date for the E.P to be mastered for the beginning of July 2013 and then we move on with the video project, trying to find a way of making us 30 something's not just looks like disgruntled dads.
Soon it will all come together and the media whoring can begin.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Being Inspired To Be Inspired ..pt1

At The Moment , everything seems to be coming up Millhouse in the KURBd Kamp.

Have had some super productive Low-Fi rehearsals, bringing the new tracks together and especially the vocal harmonies and arrangement on Stories(Always) which is actually a re-work of a track co written by Marc from ECHOTAPE & myself some time ago.

ECHOTAPE are one of those bands that when you listen to them live they literally capture everything music should be. They have a vibe that's takes you over, it almost makes you want to become a member of that band.

Their debut album "Collections" is epic...... seriously, go on ITunes and buy this album. It embraces the 60's-70's esque vibe of British Rock 'n' Roll with the 90's Stone Roses passion and deep beautiful lyrics...


Thursday, 16 May 2013

Feeling The Vibe

It seems that lately we have been well and properly in the zone.

On the back of the last rehearsal at The George and Lee and myself(Richie) going to KOKO, Camden to see the epic My Vitriol last week we have found ourselves even more inspired to write songs together, some of which are moving away from the originally intended style of Alt-Grunge.

Whether it be a conscience thing or just that we are becoming more comfortable with each other since the band was put together the newer songs seem to me to have more depth. The vocals are defining, haunting even in places as the 3 part harmonies hang on a cliff edge over whatever dirt riff or chord progression we have come up with so mush so that I get to into it to much and end up fuckin' my throat up.

Saying that, one of the newer tracks which for now I am calling Stories(Always) starts with a stripped near-on acoustic intro with layered vocal harmonies before the distorted dirtiness kicks in with an almost Dub-Esque 2 chord riff ( no one said I was the most tech player ever lol ) and solid Drum pattern from Dave "One Of Your 5 a DAVE" (Dave Allon) Allon and Lee being a Bass slut.. as always.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Back @ The George Venue - Homegrown Rehearsal

There's something amazing about rehearsing at The George Venue, Andover home to so so many great musical memories.

We were very kindly allowed to use the space to rehearse with our own backline to work on the 2 new tracks from last rehearsal.
I (Richie)think I have played their with each project I have done ever, from P.A speakers on table top All-Dayers to small festivals - TGV has always been Andovers Alternative-Music homeland.

We haven't played their this year so far so hopefully we will get something sorted over the summer..

Monday, 15 April 2013

Red Bull @ Download 2013 - Not Quite Conforming To The Trends

Don't get me wrong, We would love to play Download 2013 but if you flick through the options for bands that are desperate to play it almost seems like they are selling themselves short just to get a glimpse of the stage.

They want you to upload a video of the band and then get people to vote for you.. seems simple. But what if you don't have a video?? What if your not the sort of band that have big money and so cant do the sort of mid-range budget productions the "Others" seem to be uploading????

What I (Richie) have done is signed us up but deliberately uploaded a 1.46 minute blank video I saw on Youtube.. But still, If we got the votes throu non-conforming would that be a moral victory for the old school non-fashionista's that still exist???

Be worth seeing what happens...

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Rights For The Alternative - The Sophie Lancaster Tragedy

Todays ruling today means that those with Alternative Lifestyles will be protected by law in response to the tragic death of Sophie Lancaster back in 2008.

As someone who has always been on "This Side Of The Coin" when it comes to individuality and non-comformist issues, and being a musician I have always found myself in the Alternative circle I personally welcome the new law.

Many times in my hometown and when away on tour I have had complete strangers mock and verbally abuse me for having (I should really say had now) long hair and for dressing as they would say "differently" and on several occasions attempt to physicaly attack me.

Nobody should be afraid to express themselves however they choose! I personally don't overly like those that dress from head to toe in a major high street mens clothes retailers get up, mainly because I feel they look like mini-clones of all their friends and like lemmings they will ony do what the others do.. but I would never dream of verbally abusing them or attacking them because of this..

This is where we as they would say "Alternative" looking individials (individual being the key words here) differ from the mob/pack mentallity of poor Sophie Lancaster's attackers.

Here is the link for the Sophie Lancaster Foundation , please take the time to view this site.

To Absent Friends

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Its Going To Take A Bit Of Practice - Acoustic Rehearsal

Last nights Acoustic rehearsal was interesting. It just proved I (Richie) need to rehearse more away from the band to get it tight for when we do come together

The problem with Lo-Fi or Acoustic sessions is that you have to make the songs work sometimes. We have a very gritty live sound and to make that work stripped down may be harder than we had thought.

I will re-string my Washburn and see what I can do at the weekend.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Acoustic/Lo-Fi Set - A Work In Progress

We've decided to take a leaf out of an old play book and convert the live set into an intimate acoustic or lo-fi session, this way we can show of a little more depth of the songs and showcase our harmonies with broken down versions and maybe the odd selective cover.

The down side to doing a broken down set is that the songs sometimes just dont work.

Take Foo Fighters, they have plenty of songs that work really well acoustic and we have a kind of Foo's-esque'ness to us but also a dirty gritty almost punk/hardcore edge which just wont work.... or will it??

Either way it will be great to all get together and talk through some options before the next full live rehearsal and book some more shows, hopefully with new tracks to replace 'Riot Act' & 'Firelighter', both tracks I (Richie) wrote an cant stand to play live anymore.

Twitter @kurbdmusic

REVIEW by A Little Birdy Told Me

KURBd - The Music Box, Salisbury

Dave Grohl was recently quoted as saying grunge music has never died. It was certainly evident in force at The Music Box last Wednesday as KURBd showcased their forthcoming debut EP.

As with every popular genre of the past, it always seems to return just as a the new generation discover music they missed out on. There's a new collection of kids on the scene such as Cheetahs, METZ, Swim Deep, (recently featured on here), Splashh, Milk Music, DIIV and many more that have all been heavily influenced by the grunge scene before them.
KURBd do however possess something that was absent in the grunge era. They have the scuzzy, dirty guitars, distorted bass and venomous vocals, but they also possess majestic harmonies. The trio of Richie, Lee and Dave all sing and have clearly given a lot of attention to this detail. The three-part harmonies sat beautifully above the driving rhythms.

Their set was full of energy and electricity in more ways than one. Particularly as bass player Lee was given an electric shock every time he attempted to sing into the mic. As much as Lee was not enjoying being electrocuted, the crowd were enjoying his torment. And Richie joked, "have you been tumble drying your boxers again Lee?".
With their brilliant as yet untitled debut EP to be released shortly, I'm hoping to see much more of these stone washed demin grungers. Perhaps Dave Grohl has been speaking sense after all.

Gig #4) March 6th 2013 @ The Music Box, SALISBURY

Supporting Echotape at their pre-album launch show and fresh from the buzz from the recording this was our fist time to play the EP as close as we had recorded it.

What a fantastic show. The veue was awesome and the sound was great. It was possibly the best gig I (Richie) had ever played in my life and to share the bill with a band like Echotape was a honour. Also, I got to use my new Orange Tiny Terror amp... it was a little bit De-Freakin-Lish..

Recording the E.P - January 2013

2 days in the studio to record 3 of the 5 live tracks we currently have: Beware The Silence, Wreck & Kerosene

with the lead singer from Echotape the tres beautifull Andi Karthauser.

Recording it live, all of us in a room together and a few mics a possible to get the raw live sound we have. No special effects or Ear Candy just 3 guys in a room playing live to a click. It was amazing.
It was the first time Lee & I (Richie) had recorded with Dave and the first time the both of us had played together since the hallowed days of Madisuns some 6 years earlier.

Now just waiting to get the final mix and then of to be mastered. Then time to hit up a few labels and see if we can get a digital deal.. Fingers Crossed.

Gig #3) January 4th 2013 @ The Railway, WINCHESTER

Our 1st show at the renowned venue and we end up being bumped to headline due to a cancellation.

Sadly, being so close to the new year it wasnt a bust as we would have thought and not a single promo poster put up by the venue, note to self provide all promo to next Winchester show.

Gig #2) 19th Sept'13 supporting Zico Chain @ The George Venue, ANDOVER

Supporting Zico Chain @ The George Venue, ANDOVER.

Our second show supporting Zico Chain at our home venue in Andover 4 days after our first.
ZC are very similar to us in that they have been called "Grunge" and there are 3 of them also. thats where it ended.
ZC are more pop than punk and play to backing tracks and were very polished, almost too much so.
The show was part of their pre-tour supporting Haylestorm

Gig #1) Crispystock Festival - September 2013

We were lucky enough to be able to play the now infamous Crispystock Festival in Andover.

One venue, 2 Stages and 20+ bands and artists playing to raise money for the Headway charity.

For a first show this was awesome. we have been lucky enough to be involved in the festival in other projects and to be there as the 3 of us was truly amazing.

Please visit to make a donation.

.. Take It Back To The Start.

KURBd... A 3 piece Alternative/Grunge-Rock band from Hampshire.


Lee - Bass & Vocals.

Dave - Drums & Vocals.

Richie - Guitar & Vocals.

Twitter/Facebook : kurbdmusic